Germ-Free Driving

We can all agree that these last few months have absolutely flipped our world upside down. Covid-19 has forever changed our lives, and it’s safe to say that keeping the insides and outsides of our vehicles clean is vital. Below are a few car sanitizing tips to keep you driving germ-free. 

1.     When wiping down high contact areas of your vehicle, be sure to use a cleaning solution that is at least 70% alcohol-based. This will keep your steering wheel, door handles, gearshift, radio knobs and seat adjusters in tip top CDC-shape.

2.     Don’t forget about your seatbelts, cup holders and armrests! Soap and water or basic disinfectant wipes serve as a great cleaning alternative to alcohol-based products that may not be available to you or that may damage the material of these particular surfaces.

3.     If you regularly drive others around in your vehicle, disinfect and sanitize between every single car ride. While it may seem excessive at first, you can never be too cautious when it comes to COVID-19.

4.     Now more than ever, routinely changing your cabin air filter is crucial. Filters collect microbiological material – aka COVID-19 germs – and should be taken very seriously. If looking to switch out your own air filters, be sure to wear gloves and a mask while doing so.

In order for us to continue to flatten the coronavirus curve, we need to stay vigilant. Let’s do our part. We hope that these basic sanitizing tips help you feel a little bit of comfort during these crazy times. Here at KW Auto Body, we consider our customers part of our ohana, and hope that you all are staying safe and healthy. Let us know if we can be of assistance to you and the ones you love in any way.